East Kent Passport
As a new Freemason, you are encouraged to make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge. There are a range of ways you can find out more about your masonry. You can attend your Lodge’s lodge of instruction, where you are encouraged to learn more about the ceremonies of Freemasonry and will also be given instruction on the three degrees in Freemasonry and other areas of interest. There are also other places available for you to further your Masonic understanding, the foremost of these are the Province’s portal ’Your Province’ and United Grand Lodge’s portal ‘Solomon’. Both sites have a wealth of masonic information for you to explore.
Masonic FAQ’s
Mobile phones
In the lodge room and at the festive board, it is a good idea to
put your phone on silent or turn them off.
Dress code
Always check the summons! Usually dark suit, white shirt, black or Provincial tie (Cornwallis Charity tie) and white gloves. You will be supplied with an apron until you are a Master Mason so check this is available for you when visiting another lodge.
As a charitable organisation, most lodges hold raffles and collect donations. This is not obligatory. Please only give what you can afford.
You will be invited to visit other lodges. Go and make the most of it! You will be well looked after by any Lodge you visit. Remember to check the summons for dress code, start time and location. Also make sure you are booked in with the Lodge Secretary and Dining Steward or you may find yourself without a meal at the festive board.
Lodge of Instruction
An LOI is an informal but organised get together of a lodge, which enables members to practice their ritual and learn their future parts of the ceremony. It is a great place to make friends, learn what is going on in the ceremonies and give ritual a go in a relaxed environment. Dress code for LOI is casual.
Lodge Mentor or Personal Mentor
When you joined your lodge, you will hopefully have been introduced to the Lodge Mentor or your Personal Mentor. Your mentor will guide you through your masonic journey. Talk to your mentor also about visiting other lodges and developing your own masonic knowledge.
Provincial Facebook Page
Join the Provincial Facebook page to connect with East Kent Freemasons. This is a super place to hear about what is going on across the Province.
Completing your Masonic Passport
The Province of East Kent comprises of eight Masonic Groups. Your challenge is to visit a lodge in each group, this will allow you to experience the richness of Freemasonry across the Province. When you visit a Lodge, ask the Worshipful Master for his name and add this to record your visit.
Masonic engagement
Have a go at completing these other Masonic challenges, tick and date when done. See how many you can complete.
Opening Ode
Hail eternal by whose aid
All created things were made
Heav’n and earth Thy vast design
Hear us Architect Divine!
May our work begun in Thee
Ever blest with order be
And may we when labours cease
Part in harmony and peace
By Thy glorious majesty
By the trust we place in Thee
By the badge and mystic sign
Hear us Architect Divine!
Closing Ode
Now the evening shadows closing
Warn from toil to peaceful rest
Mystic arts and rites reposing
Sacred in each faithful breast.
God of light whose love unceasing
Doth to all Thy works extend
Crown our Order with Thy blessing
Build, sustain us to the end.
Humbly now we bow before Thee
Grateful for Thine aid divine
Everlasting power and glory
Mighty Architect be Thine