Frequently Asked Questions
There is no back button is some pages or when looking at documents. How can I go back?
There are some areas in the app where there is no back or done button. If you want to go back at any time in the app just use the built in swipe back function.
To swipe back to the previous page simply place your finger on the far left edge of the screen. Drag your finger across the screen to the right. This will take you back to the previous page.
For further explanation on this, please visit the introduction video on the app which is at the top of the directory page. This explains a few key features including swiping back.
I am a member of a Lodge/Chapter and when I visit my Lodge/Chapter page the contact details of my Secretary/ Scribe is showing as “Not Available” can I give you these details?
If the listing is showing “Not Available” this is because of two reasons:
Your Secretary/ Scribe has not completed our form to give us permission to show his details. This form (which is coming soon) can be found in YP2 by a Secretary/ Scribe once completed these details will be uploaded to the app;or
Your Secretary/ Scribe has decided to opt out of some or all of his information being displayed on the listing. We will not show information until the Secretary/ Scribe agrees that we are able to do so.
I have noticed an error. How can I report this?
Simply scroll to the bottom of the app and click ‘About this App’. Here you will find a button that says ‘Report a Problem with this app’. Fill in this form and we will review this as soon as possible.
If your error is about contact details for a Secretary/ Scribe on the ‘Finder’ page, please contact your Secretary/ Scribe. If the Secretary/ Scribe feels there is an error then he will need to to visit YP2 to complete the permission form or contacts us directly.
The app fills up the entire phone screen and I can’t get out.
The app defaults in to full screen mode to give you the best user experience. If you want to exit the app, simply swipe up by placing your finger at the bottom edge of your phone and swipe up. You can do this at any point.
Why don’t you have a password to access this information?
Simply put, we don’t need one. All of the information on this app is available in the public domain already. The app just brings everything that is available in one helpful place.